EMConsulting is a single-member Limited Liability Company that provides independent EMC design and related consulting services to telecommunications, communications, commercial, and government projects.
We are organized as an LLC by the Florida Depart of State, Division of Corporations under the name “EMC Consulting Services LLC” document number L13000137894. We are doing business as (DBA) “EMConsulting”
Our DUNS number is 02-331-3558
Our CAGE code is 6K5T4
The principal, Stu Benner, is an iNARTE Certified EMC Engineer, Senior Member of the IEEE, and member of the IEEE EMC Society, and the IEEE Florida West Coast Section Consultants’ Network Affinity Group.
Stu brings to you over 30 years of experience in electromagnetics-related fields including:
- EMI/EMC/EEE/E3 design and test (MIL-STD-461/462/464, DD-1494, FCC Part 15, DO-160, CE Mark)
- NASA, defense, and commercial spacecraft design and test
- Military electronics design and test
- Civil aviation electronics design and test
- Bonding, grounding, shielding, and lightning protection
- AM/FM radio and television broadcast engineering